Essential Features of XSecDevOps™ for Modern Businesses

Essential Features of XSecDevOps™ for Modern Businesses

Modernize with XSecDevOps™

Discover how STL Digital’s XSecDevOps™ helps organizations rapidly modernize legacy applications, infrastructure, and enhance security.

The Need for Modernization

Migrating to microservices, containers, and serverless computing boosts deployment flexibility and resource utilization. This modernization journey enhances scalability, agility, and cost-efficiency.

Secure Your Transformation

To stay resilient and innovative, continuous monitoring and proactive risk management are essential. Identify vulnerabilities early to prevent breaches and disruptions.

STL Digital’s XSecDevOps

XSecDevOps™ is a security-embedded DevOps solution, integrating security from the earliest development stages to deployment and beyond, fostering collaboration among development, operations, and security teams.

Start with a Plan

Proactively anticipate risks and strategize their mitigation. Outline security, compliance, performance requirements, and plan for incident response. This iterative process enhances decision-making and agility.

Develop Continuously

Enhance software iteratively through seamless integration, testing, and deployment. Break down silos between teams, fostering collaboration and automating workflows for rapid and reliable delivery.

Test Early, Test Often

Test across all phases of the SDLC. Conduct security testing early to expedite development processes. Continuous testing ensures higher quality code and early risk identification.

Collaborate Effectively

Bring together developers, operations, and other stakeholders to streamline software delivery. Foster effective communication, trust, and shared goals for faster time-to-market and higher-quality software.

Deploy Automatically

Employ automated testing to verify code changes before autonomous deployment to production. Continuous deployment fosters improved code quality, faster feedback, and reduced risk.

Stay Ahead with XSecDevOps

Thank you for exploring the essential features of XSecDevOps™. Partner with STL Digital to modernize securely and efficiently.