STL Digital logo - Global IT services and consulting company.


Our ESG Narrative

Embracing an All-inclusive ESG Charter

We firmly believe that every single interaction must be guided by strong moral and ethical standards. We, at STL, ensure, responsible, eco-friendly operations and create shared value for each of our stakeholders, including the communities we operate in.

Innovation, technology and collective action have always been at the core of how we undertake our Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) programmes. And, we take pride in leveraging these competencies to transform everyday living by delivering smarter networks throughout our value chain and partnerships that drive equitable growth.

United Nations Global Compact

The UN Sustainable Development Goals have been the pillars, we have chosen to base our operational fundamentals on. These universal goals are inter-connected. Improvement in one can lead to dramatic changes in another. STL has thus integrated them into its day-to-day work and has framed an equally comprehensive strategy to address this ambitious agenda.

Since 2018, STL has been committed to the UN Global Compact corporate responsibility initiative.

As a signatory to the UN Global Compact, STL is committed to the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. These principles are pivotal to our company’s strategy, culture and day-to-day operations. Our policies, community initiatives as well as our operations are aligned to the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the Global Compact’s 10 principles.


Development Goals

STL aligns with 15 of the 17 UN Development Priorities (UN SDGs)



STL’s aim is to create holistic programmes or undertake sustainability initiatives in a way that they benefit society and the environment in a multi-dimensional manner while creating change that is sustainable and replicable.

1.43+ Million lives impacted

World’s 1st integrated optic fibre & cable manufacturer to be Zero Waste to Landfill Certified

Our ESG Goals

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